The simplest way to activate "The Law of Attraction" on the Adsense,
is to put a simple link, backlink, or blogroll to this site,
right from your site over there. This is why.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

$25,529.66 And $26,305.59 Adsense Cheques

Link -> Free PayPal Money Follow the money -> Twitter

And these two made their hit:

And this is what people commented me today:

"Hi .. great new idea. Good luck to you."
"Brilliant! Keep up a good work.."
"I really like the idea of getting REAL results and REAL performance - I hope this idea takes off for you and your site starts getting hit like a pingpong ball. It's a great idea for the sceptics to get an idea for whats "out" there and what we all can acheive."
"Hi plz if u can send me ur website to earn this big some of money."

Mr. Cheque.


me said...

Dang, I want some of those!

kucau said...


Alex said...

I wanna be like you...